
    Data Analytics / Data Mining / Quality Control / Business Intelligence / Web-based analytics

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  • Energetics


    Practically all modern power plants are entirely automated, with thousands, or even tens of thousands of parameters being recorded every minute or less into dedicated historical databases. However, up to now, there was no comprehensive analytic, monitoring, and reporting strategy and solution to leverage the huge amount of data.

  • Lenovo India Pvt.

    Stephen Samuel

    DGM - Marketing Analytics

    " We are using STATISTICA software for the last 3 years. This software is being used for our day-to-day work in Marketing Analytics for helping us come out wiht actionable business insights."

  • FLEX2000

    Silvio Costa

    Quality Manager

    “With StatSoft’s experience, methodology and tools, we gained a better insight about our manufacturing process. StatSoft’s implementation allowed us to get an immediate optimization of our processes and an overall improvement in our products’ quality.”